Advertise Your Brand on RunGuides

RunGuides can put you in front of people who are interested in, and actively searching for running events and endurance products.

Site Takeover

A site takeoverĀ gives you 100% of the available banner space on RunGuides. No competition with other banners! Perfect if your goal is to get in front of as many runners as possible.

  • Get exclusivity; we only show your banners
  • Unlimited impressions
  • Target specific regions

Custom Content

Feature your content on every event page of RunGuides. A full paragraph of text, images, and a custom call to action button.

  • Target specific regions
  • Full paragraph of text with images

Email Campaigns

Connect with thousands of RunGuides members with a dedicated email campaign. Our members have opted in asking to receive emails about runs near them, and products to help them train.

  • Target specific regions
  • High quality, well maintained email list